4 More Cost-Effective Improvements You Can Use to Improve Your Resale Value
Our last post on home improvements you can make to improve your resale value was incredibly popular, so we’re back with four more great ideas you can implement for very little cost… and maximize your return on investment.
4 Great Home Improvements You Can Make to Up Your Resale Value on an Investment Property
Home Improvement Tip #1: Add Dutch Doors
People love Dutch doors, whether they have kids, pets, both, or neither. No matter how you look at it, they’re a cool addition to a house—and if you’re already replacing or adding a door, this is a little touch you can use to make a huge difference.
Home Improvement Tip #2: Carve Out a Built-In Shelf
If there’s a long, sort-of awkward hallway with plenty of empty space, it may be a good idea to knock out part of the wall and install a built-in shelf. It’s particularly helpful when all you see is an expanse of blank, white wall on one side.
Home Improvement Tip #3: Add a Sun Tunnel
It’s not a full-fledged skylight, but it’s not a hole in the roof; it’s a sun tunnel. It’s a small, circular window in the roof that adds natural light to even the darkest spaces.
Home Improvement Tip #4: Put in Recessed Outlets
In some areas, recessed outlets are better than standard ones; in the living room, for example, people want to push a shelf up against the wall. While you’re installing recessed outlets, choose outlets that have built-in USB ports.
Do You Need a Hard Money Loan in Atlanta?
If you need funds for an investment property, we may be able to help you. Call us at 404-814-1644 or send us a note. You can also apply for a hard money loan online.
In the meantime, read our FAQ, learn about the hard money loan process and see if you meet our criteria! We’ll be happy to help you if you qualify.