The Pros and Cons of a Partial Roof Replacement
Let’s face it: A flip that lacks cosmetic appeal isn’t likely to get much attention from homebuyers. Although making sure that your property has visual interest is a must, issues that affect the functionality of your flip are equally as important and must receive thorough attention, and not be given a quick fix to pass inspection, or to appear to be intact.
Performing the appropriate and necessary repairs and replacements can mean a high-quality flip, and less headaches down the road for a potential buyer.
When it comes to addressing issues with the shingled roof on your flip consider these pros and cons of a partial roof replacement.
A partial roof replacement, as opposed to re-roofing the entire house, can be a cost-effective option if roof damage or deterioration is confined to only one side of the roof.
If the roof on your flip is relatively new and in good condition, except for a portion that’s perhaps incurred weather-related damage from a storm or strong winds, new shingles to repair the damaged section can be easier to match with the existing shingles than on an older, aged roof. This can make repairs less noticeable if differences in color and condition are minimal.
Because a partial roof replacement can involve removing and replacing only a portion of the roofing, only the decking in that area can be examined for signs of damage or rot. This is problematic because flaws or deterioration in the roof decking elsewhere may go undetected and lead to water intrusion and damage to the interior of the home. Damaged decking can also increase the risk of a partial roof collapse.
If your existing asphalt roof is two layers thick you don’t have the option of layering on a new section because a third layer can jeopardize the structural integrity of your flip. This means the damaged part of the roof will need to be stripped down to the roof decking before new shingles can be installed. As a result, you may have the appearance of a lopsided roof because the older areas are elevated inches higher than the newly-replaced portion.