16 06, 2019

Why Property Investors Should Care What Millennials Think

2024-06-17T12:40:50-04:00June 16th, 2019|Categories: Income, Investing, Investment, Investment Properties, Investments, Tenants|Tags: , |

In recent blog posts, we've discussed how to attract Millennials to rental properties, what Millennials want from their rental properties, and how to market to Millennials. But why should property investors care what Millennials think? The reason why investors need to care about what Millennials want and what Millennials think is two-fold. First of all, non-Millennial investors are about to face competition from Millennial property investors. These investors are fully prepared to offer their own generation exactly what they want and to market to their generation in exactly the manner that will attract attention. In business, you must stay competitive.

18 04, 2019

Landlords, Millennials Shop For Rentals Differently, So You Need To Adjust Your Marketing Too

2024-06-17T12:41:25-04:00April 18th, 2019|Categories: Commercial, Hard Money, Investing, Investment, Investment Properties, Leases, Leasing Your Property, Selling, Tenants|Tags: , , , |

Landlords marketing to Millennial renters face new challenges. For example, most Millennials get almost all of their information from social media. As a lessor, you simply must have an online presence that incorporates a variety of social media platforms to fully market to millennial renters. Don't simply post an ad online on Craigslist and think you have your online presence covered. It important to post to Craigslist, of course, but that shouldn't be your only online presence. Instagram is an incredibly useful online marketing tool. It's a generational favorite. Also, don't merely post a photo and your information to Instagram.

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