11 12, 2020

4 Architectural Elements You Need for a Modern Farmhouse-Style Home

2020-12-16T18:46:05-05:00December 11th, 2020|Categories: Home Improvements, Tips|Tags: , , , , , , |

You may have heard the term modern farmhouse bandied about a lot in 2020, and for good reason—it’s the favorite home style of a majority of Americans. In fact in a recent survey conducted by Homes.com Americans in 42 states identified it as their favorite home design. But what exactly is the modern farmhouse style? If you’re thinking about taking advantage of this popular home design for your next flip here are four important architectural elements you’ll need to consider. Front Porch A front porch is a staple of the modern farmhouse style and it gives the home a welcoming

28 04, 2019

Should I Install A Metal Roof On My Rental Property?

2024-06-17T12:41:17-04:00April 28th, 2019|Categories: Hard Money, Home Improvements, Home Upgrades, Remodeling Tips, Tennessee|Tags: , , , , |

Does your rental property need a new roof? Are you thinking of installing a metal roof on your rental property? You should know that when you purchase residential metal roofing, you are going to pay a lot extra. These extra costs are partly due to the professional installation that requires special equipment and expertise and partly because the material is more expensive. Even the range of metal roofs can vary though and not all roofers will offer the same options in metal roofs, so before you make your decision, you should know your options. Steel roofs alone have more than

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