17 03, 2018

How To Appeal The County Assessor’s Property Value In North Carolina

2024-06-17T12:48:11-04:00March 17th, 2018|Categories: Flipping, Foreclosures, Investing, Investment, Investment Properties, Investments, Taxes|Tags: |

  North Carolina’s property tax is “ad valorem,” so you're taxed based on the property value. But what happens when you disagree with the county assessor? The assessor revalues properties within the county at least every eight years. So, if you get a wrong value placed on your property, you could be paying the wrong tax on it for the next eight years! It's partly your responsibility to check your assessed value, if you own property. The good news is there is recourse. If you disagree with the assessment, you can appeal it. Imagine being over taxed for your property

3 03, 2018

North Carolina Property Tax Relief: Who Qualifies?

2024-06-17T12:48:36-04:00March 3rd, 2018|Categories: Hard Money, Tax Foreclosures, Taxes|Tags: , |

Do you have a loved one in North Carolina struggling with property taxes? Well, some North Carolina homeowners qualify for one of three programs offering property tax relief. You might want to look into this for them. Low-Income Homestead Exclusion Qualified low-income homeowners can apply for property tax relief through the State of North Carolina at their Assessor's Office between January 1 and June 1 each year. Qualifying homeowners receive an exclusion of the taxable value of their residences of either $29,500, or 50 percent (whichever is greater). Disabled Veterans Homestead Exclusion Honorably discharged veteran homeowners, certified by the U.S Department of Veterans

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