7 10, 2019

3 Hard Money Loan Myths That a Lot of People Believe

2019-10-07T22:24:44-04:00October 7th, 2019|Categories: Hard Money, Hard Money Loans|Tags: , , , , , |

If you're like many people who have never taken out a hard money loan, you've probably heard all kinds of myths about them -  but here, we'll cover three of the most common and debunk them so you know all the facts. 3 Hard Money Loan Myths That a Lot of People Believe Some of the most common myths about hard money loans include: You don't need any documentation for a hard money loan Only people who are desperate take out hard money loans Hard money lenders aren't as careful as big banks are Here's a closer look at each

7 12, 2016

What is Due Diligence in a Real Estate Transaction?

2016-12-07T10:00:04-05:00December 7th, 2016|Categories: Due Diligence, Hard Money, Hard Money Loans|Tags: , , , |

If you’re interested in purchasing commercial real estate, make sure there is a due diligence period included in the contract. Not only that, but you must take advantage of this period to the fullest; you don’t want time to slip away from you. What is Due Diligence in a Real Estate Transaction? Due diligence is the period of time a buyer has to investigate the condition of the property and all the paperwork that comes with it. A seller is required to disclose any issues that may be of interest, however, they are not always known at the time, or

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