Standard Deduction Increases for 2018 Freeing Up Some Extra Cash for Renters Home Buyers

Standard Deduction Increases for 2018, Freeing Up Some Extra Cash For Renters, Home Buyers

Published On: April 29th, 2018Last Updated: June 17th, 2024Categories: Hard Money, Investment Properties, Taxes

Just a heads up: This year, changes to the federal tax law bring increases to the standard deduction that people can use when filing their 2018 taxes. Most Americans, including renters and home buyers of your investment properties claim the standard deduction, avoiding the hassle of itemizing on their federal tax returns every year. For 2017, the standard deduction for a married couple was $12,700.

Next April, the standard deduction for the same couple will be $24,000. Generally, this means a lower tax liability for the average renter or home buyer. Additionally, the Child and Family Tax Credit doubles per child to $2,000. Plus, the actual payable (refundable) portion goes up to $1,400 per child! This means a potential refund check for some who have not previously gotten refunds, even if they didn’t actually pay federal taxes. On top of that, some people with dependents (such as children older than 17) will see a tax credit of an extra $500.

In many cases, that will mean cash on hand and the ability to finally cover moving expenses or down payment costs on a mortgage. Obviously, some will pay off debt or take a vacation, but many others will use the money to finally purchase a home or move into a better rental. So, keep that in mind as you check out potential investment properties this year.

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