Foreclosures in Atlanta
Because Atlanta foreclosures are higher than usual – they’ve been on an upswing since January – that means there’s more opportunity for you, as an investor, to take out a hard money loan and pick up a property that you can flip. The selection is better, and you’ll likely spend less money than you would when properties are few and far between.
Is Foreclosure Investing Right for You?
Investing in foreclosures isn’t for everyone. In fact, many experts recommend that you gain some experience in traditional real estate investing before you dive in headfirst.
Here’s what you need to know:
- There are three ways to buying foreclosures: from a property owner before it’s foreclosed (known as a pre-foreclosure), at an auction, or from a lender after the property has been repossessed.
- Buying a property that’s owned by the lender may pose less risk to you than buying a foreclosure in the other stages.
- You always need to check the title before you buy any foreclosed property; if you don’t, you could be taking an unnecessary risk with your money.
Need a Hard Money Loan to Invest in Atlanta Foreclosures?
Getting a hard money loan in Atlanta may be easier than you think. If you’re ready to invest in a foreclosure and you already know what it entails, give us a call at 404-814-1644 or fill out our easy hard money loan application. We may be able to get you the funding you need to make the investment of a lifetime.